
The Best Barbie PR Hit of Them All

Josh Goldstine, Warner Bros.' President of Worldwide Marketing, should hang up his spikes and call it a career. The marketing campaign around the theatrical release of BARBIE is one of the all-time great promotional pushes, and the WB team's efforts have been rewarded with a massive box office return, both nationally and worldwide, and the kind of numbers during the...
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The Sound of Crowdfunding

This past Tuesday Sound of Freedom, an independent film almost fully void of mainstream media coverage until it started racketing up millions in presale tickets, outperformed Disney’s 5th Indiana Jones movie in almost half as many theaters to win the July 4th box office. The film comes from Utah-based distributor Angel Studios whose focus on a crowdfunding model and “faith-friendly”...
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Will AI Take Your Job and Eat Your Children?

The recent uproar over Disney’s new MCU show Secret Invasion centers on the studio choosing to use AI to create the opening credits. On its face, this isn’t a crazy idea - the show is about people being duplicated and replaced by alien doubles, and the not-quite-right versions of Sam Jackson and other characters shown in the opening credits play...
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